Are you in need of solid advice regarding your Villa del Palmar timeshare contract? Are you looking for ways to break your contract or cancel your timeshare? Breaking timeshare contracts is not easy or desirable, so let’s look a the facts.
Breaking Villa del Palmar Timeshare Contracts
When you purchase a Villa del Palmar timeshare from one of the Villa Group’s official sales rooms in Mexico, your timeshare contracts are legally binding. That means, timeshare purchases at Villa del Palmar Cabo, Villa del Arco, Villa del Palmar Puerto Vallarta, Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loréto and Villa del Palmar Cancun cannot be cancelled when you have bought a genuine timeshare membership.
Companies offering to break your timeshare contract
You are sure to find some fraudulent companies online who claim to be able to help you in breaking your Villa del Palmar timeshare contract. However, be very careful. These companies are renowned for taking your money in exchange for helping your break your timeshare contract yet are unable to deliver what they promise. The fact is that you cannot cancel a legally binding contract unless there is a clause which allows you to do so. What some scam cancellation companies do is claim that they have canceled your timeshare when all they have done is redirected the post and the demands that you were receiving before to give the impression that all is well. The reality is that you will be defaulting on your timeshare loan and membership maintenance dues.
Read your contract carefully
You must check your Villa del Palmar timeshare contract carefully to see if you have any option to cancel your timeshare with or without penalty. If there is a clause that allows you to cancel your timeshare, you do not need to employ a timeshare cancellation company to help you. If there is no such clause, you will not be able to go about breaking Villa del Palmar timeshare contracts.
Cooling Off Cancellation
In Mexico, there are laws protecting consumers and buyers remorse. When breaking Villa del Palmar timeshare contracts, you will be given a certain amount of time in which to cancel your timeshare; this is called the cooling off period. You should check your contract or with Villa del Palmar timeshare to find out how long you have to cancel your timeshare before the act of breaking your contract is not possible.
If you have any experience breaking Villa del Palmar timeshare contracts, please leave your comments below and share your expertise.