When looking for honest and valuable Mexican timeshare solutions, whether that be to buy a reputable timeshare, resell your timeshare, rent your timeshare or cancel your Mexican timeshare, there are so many pitfalls and scams to beware. Mexican Timeshare Solutions alongside other companies claiming to either cancel your timeshare or resell your timeshare raise the warning lights when it comes to potential fraud. Take a look below on how to protect yourself from Mexican timeshare solution scams and resale scams.
Mexican Timeshare Solutions
Mexican Timeshare Solutions claim to be able to cancel your Mexican timeshare and get your money back. You will find various “testimonials” on the website from people who claim to have used the services of Mexican Timeshare Solutions to cancel their timeshare, including Velas Vallarta timeshare cancellation, Real Club timeshare cancellation, Mayan Palace timeshare cancellation and Villa Group timeshare cancellation. If these testimonials are true, then it would seem that Mexican Timeshare Solutions are providing a genuine cancellation service; however, my question is why they should be charging for a service that can be carried out for free within the cooling off period according to the laws protecting Mexican timeshare purchases.
Legal Cancellation of Mexican Timeshares
After the cooling off period, it is not possible to break your contract legally unless you go to courts and prove that you have been miss-sold a timeshare. For reputable timeshare companies like those mentioned above, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to prove they are a scam because they are selling genuine products. The real timeshare frauds and scams are those that sell non existent products or claim to be able to cancel your Mexican timeshare. Solutions to your timeshare complaints are best dealt with directly with the company where you purchased your timeshare. Involving a third party leaves you wide open to a Mexican timeshare solution scam or resale fraud. Meaning, you think that your timeshare has been cancelled, when in fact you have just defaulted on your loan.
Avoiding the Need for Mexican Timeshare Solutions
The best advice to keep you safe from a Mexican timeshare solution scam is to read your contract carefully before signing. At reputable timeshare companies, the VLO’s (Verification Loan Officers) are there to help guide you through the contract and make sure that you understand the clauses. You should double check any questions you might have with the VLO at the time of purchase, regarding the sale, especially key selling points that the timeshare seller may not have been so sure about.