Tag: Avoid Resale Scams
Timeshare Scams in Mexico
Timeshare scams in Mexico are not as common as they used to be. Today, the majority of resorts that offer vacation club memberships are trustworthy…
Online Scams to Avoid
Generally, buying or selling items or services online is pretty safe, especially if you are selling or purchasing on Gumtree, eBay, or other well-known auction…
How to Avoid Timeshare Scams
Much of the bad press about timeshare refers to organized scams rather than the concept of the timeshare product itself. In fact, most of the…
10 Tips About Timeshare
Timeshare gets a lot of bad press, but there are many ways to make sure that your timeshare experience is a positive one. Here are…
Timeshare Resale Nightmares
While the majority of owners are very happy with their timeshares and the thought of reselling is a distant idea, there are a number of…
Avoid a Timeshare Nightmare
With so many horror stories and urban myths flying round the Internet about timeshare nightmares, it seems like a good opportunity to address some of…